Edmond Depot & “Two Street”

This photograph, taken in 1910, shows the layout of Edmond Station.

Second Street (Two Street) stopped at the station, it was not a through street. First and Third Street carried traffic over the tracks.  At the time this photo was taken,  the Ice House was still standing. The Depot, Water Tank, Pump House and Water Well had been functioning for 21 years.

– The Water Well dug by John Steen was filled in 1937 –

– Edmond’s Train Depot was eventually torn down in 1967 –


The aerial view (below) of Edmond looking east shows the location of Edmond’s Depot in 1961, just 6 years before the Depot and the Rodkey Mill were torn down in 1967 to make room for the Second Street underpass. Today, cars that drive under the train bridge pass directly underneath the original south side footprint of the old Edmond Depot building.