Genealogy Meeting Information
Our meetings are held in the main gallery of the Edmond History Museum & Museum at 431 S. Boulevard, which is on the NW corner of 5th and Boulevard, in Edmond. (Click on the link here, for a map) Please enter the building by the East door. If you are coming from I-35, exit on 2nd street and go west until you come to Boulevard. Turn south until you come to 4th street, and turn into the parking lot by the Museum. If you are coming into Edmond by way of the Broadway Extension, go to 2nd street and turn East. Then go to Boulevard and turn back South.
The EGS general meetings are held the third Monday of the month, unless otherwise notified, with a social time beginning at 6:00 PM, and the main program at 6:30 PM. We will try to present a program dealing with a subject on genealogy or a workshop at each meeting. Meetings are free and open to the public.
July – December 2015 Programs and Speakers
20 July – Shirley Watts – Power up your Family History story
17 August – Rusty Brenner – EZ Tombstone cleaning & repair
21 September – Cody Barger – The truth about Pocahontas
19 October – Judy Howard – Family History in Quilts
16 November – Dr. Ruth Oneson – What if I die?
21 December – Dr. Wayne Lord, OSSI-DNA, Fingerprints, & Forensics
Present Officers for 2015, are:
Ruth Oneson Minke, President:
Dick Cypher, Vice-Pres., Membership: 359-1513
Carol Bird, Secretary:
Edie Parmeter, Asst. Secretary:
Carolyn Leonard, Heavener, Programs and Publicity: 751-2345
Karl Kueteman, Treasurer: 531-7858
Sara Memmott, Past Pres., Library: 341-2107
Charlotte Gales, Hospitality:
Jon Heavener, Media:
Linda Cotton, Historian:
Karl Kueteman, Webmaster: 531-7858
You may visit the Edmond Genealogical Society’s website at
Contact the Genealogy Society President Dr. Ruth Oneson by email:
Click here to follow the Edmond Genealogy Society on facebook
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the Edmond Genealogical Society
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