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The EGS general meetings are held the third Monday of the month, unless otherwise notified, with a social time beginning at 6:00 PM, and the main program at 6:30 PM.  We will present a program dealing with a subject on genealogy or a workshop at each meeting. Meetings are free and open to the public and are currently held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1315 E. 33rd Street, Edmond, OK 73013. Membership in the Society is available for $15 for an individual or $20 for a family, per year.

Present officers for 2019-2020, are:

Jan Beattie, President,

Iris May, First Vice President, Programs and Publicity

Dick Cypher, Second Vice-Pres., Membership Chairman,

Andrea Moon, Webmaster and Newsletter Chairman,

Darla Hunter, Newsletter Editor

Iris May, Corresponding Secretary

Karen Blagg, Treasurer

Sara Memmott, Past Pres., Research Center and Genealogical Library Chairman,

Libby Holshouser, Hospitality Chairman

Linda Cotton, Assistant Hospitality Chairman

Edie May Parmeter, Surnames Project Chairman, Membership Committee

Carol Bird, Assistant Secretary, Membership Committee


You may visit the Edmond Genealogical Society’s website at

Contact the Genealogy Society President Andrea Wallis Aven by email.

Click here to follow the Edmond Genealogy Society on Facebook