Donate Now
Make a Gift, Make History
There are several ways for individuals to support the Museum – whether through honoring a loved one, matching gifts, or just making a donation!
The Edmond History Museum is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization reliant upon the generosity of the community to provide quality exhibits and programming through donations, memberships and sponsorships.
Make a Donation
Support the Edmond History Museum on #givingtuesday Tuesday, November 30! The end of the year giving goal is $20,000 for general operation and $1,500 for our endowment.
Shop Online
Shopping online this holiday season? Shop using Amazon Smile and select the Edmond History Museum as the organization you support. A portion of your purchase will go towards helping the museum.
Matching Gifts
Matching gifts are a great way to double or even triple the value of your contribution to the museum! To find out if your company has a matching gift program, contact your human resources or community outreach departments.
Honor a Loved One
Honor the significant people in your life! Here are a few occasions to honor those close to you:
- The memory of a loved one
- Birthday
- Marriage
- Anniversary
- Graduation
- In honor of a Heritage Award
When you make a gift to the museum in honor of a loved one, a personalized acknowledgment is sent to the honoree or designated family member of your gift. Amounts are never revealed. To make a fully tax-deductible donation in the form of a tribute, please call our Executive Director at 405-340-0078 or mail your donation, along with the recipient’s information, to the following address:
Edmond History Museum
431 South Boulevard
Edmond, OK 73034
Endowment Fund
The Edmond History Museum has recently renamed its endowment fund with the Oklahoma City Community Foundation after our long-time volunteer and friend, Quimby Enterline. This is a permanent endowment fund that provides ongoing income from interest earned to the museum. In this way, Quimby’s love for the museum and its programs will live on for the future. Our endowment goal is $1,500. Give today to help us reach our goal in Quimby’s honor!
GiveSmart OKC
Learn more about our organization, its management, governance and financials by clicking the GiveSmart button below. Site is currently under construction! Call 405-340-0078 for information.
Refund Policy: There are no refunds on memberships or donations.