Songs & Stripes Tickets 7:30 pm Show


As a token of our gratitude for their service, veteran tickets to our Songs & Stripes event are provided free of charge. However, if you’d like to contribute to covering the cost of these tickets and supporting future community events hosted by the museum, we welcome and appreciate your donations. Your generosity helps us continue to honor our veterans and bring our community together in celebration.


Veterans please register for tickets and fill out the link for this FORM so that we can recognize you.



150 in stock


25 in stock



As a token of our gratitude for their service, veteran tickets to our Songs & Stripes event are provided free of charge. However, if you’d like to contribute to covering the cost of these tickets and supporting future community events hosted by the museum, we welcome and appreciate your donations. Your generosity helps us continue to honor our veterans and bring our community together in celebration. If you are a veteran please fill out this FORM so we can recognize you.